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You could write about these 8 new crime research studies today

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(New research for August 1!)

Help yourself to any of these new studies that I’m considering for coverage in True Crime Adjacent (TCA) or Nonfiction Crime Writing (NCW). Let me know if you do; the more the merrier!

1. Immigrant-Ethnic Activity Space (IEAS), Ex-Prisoner Concentration, and Recidivism, published in Crime & Delinquency.

2. Legal Financial Obligations of Reentering People After Release From Prison: Exploring Predictors of Criminal Justice Debts, published in Crime & Delinquency.

3. Examining Risk for Sexual Assault Among Bisexuals, published in Crime & Delinquency.

4. Sacrifice spirit and police work-family conflict among rank-and-file officers in China, published in Policing and Society.

5. The urban-rural divide in police trust: insights from Kenya, published in Policing and Society.

6. Perceived Barriers and Benefits of Exercise Among Men with Histories of Sexual Violence: Impact of PTSD and Physical Activity Status, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

7. Perceptions of Sexual Violence Terms Used in Statutes Throughout the United States, published in Violence Against Women.

8. Arab Women at the Police Station in Israel: Cultural Crisis and Empowerment, published in Violence Against Women.

As always, I hope you’ll find some research to write about yourself. I’d love to read it or watch/listen to it, so please let me know in the comments!

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