(New research for July 31!)
Help yourself to any of these new studies that I’m considering for coverage in True Crime Adjacent (TCA) or Nonfiction Crime Writing (NCW). Let me know if you do; the more the merrier!
1. Reexamining Modified Labeling Theory: A Sample of Incarcerated Women With Mental Illness, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
2. Did Changes to Disciplinary Segregation Policy Affect Rates of Institutional Misconduct?, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
3. Contraceptive Sabotage and Contraceptive Use at the Time of Pregnancy: An Analysis of People with a Recent Live Birth in the United States, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
4. Hot spots policing as part of a city-wide violent crime reduction strategy: Initial evidence from Dallas, published in Journal of Criminal Justice.
As always, I hope you’ll find some research to write about yourself. I’d love to read it or watch/listen to it, so please let me know in the comments!
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