New research for August 4
Take a look at these new studies that I’m considering for coverage in True Crime Adjacent (TCA) or Nonfiction Crime Writing (NCW).
I hope something catches your interest and you use it in your own writing. If you do, let me know!
1. The Relevance of Targets’ Sexual Knowledge in the Progression of Online Sexual Grooming Events: Findings from an Online Field Experiment, published in Justice Quarterly.
2. Community Perceptions, Concerns for Privacy, and Support for Law Enforcement Use of Aerial Surveillance in Baltimore, published in Crime & Delinquency.
3. Development and Evaluation of the Trauma Bonding Scale for Adults© in the Context of Sex Trafficking, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.
4. Assessing the relationship between officers’ broad cultural attitudes and their situational perceptions of firearm danger, published in Policing.
5. Administering harm: the treatment of trans people in Australian criminal courts, published in Current Issues in Criminal Justice.
6. Structural Validity and Internal Consistency of the Adolescents and Children Risk of Abuse and Maltreatment Parental Scale (ACRAM-PS), published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
As always, I hope you’ll find some research to write about yourself. I’d love to read it or watch/listen to it, so please let me know in the comments!
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