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These 18 new crime research studies need you to write about them

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New research for August 11 

Take a look at these new criminology & criminal justice studies from the journals I monitor.

I hope something catches your interest and you use it in your own writing. If you do, let me know!

1. Selective Rule Enforcement on Prison Units and Individual Misconduct: A Multilevel Study, published in Crime & Delinquency.

2. Exploring Southeast Asian immigrants’ attitudes toward the police in Taiwan, published in Policing.

3. Under surveillance: Does Global Positioning System monitoring of offenders reduce recidivism?, published in Criminology & Criminal Justice.

4. Does Rational Choice Help to Explain Offending Differences Across Immigrant Generations? Focusing on Serious Adolescent Offenders, published in Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.

5. Boggs Bills: Contrast agents in the art market and in law, or, how to make money as an artist, published in Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal.

6. Shining light on an unspeakable crime: necrophilia and the need for legal reform, published in Current Issues in Criminal Justice.

7. Examining the Second-Order Factor Structure of the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience Scale, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

8. Differences in Symptom Report by Survivors With and Without Probable Intimate Partner Violence-Related Brain Injury, published in Violence Against Women.

9. The Impact of Victim Demeanor on Jurors’ Perceptions of a Sexual Harassment Victim, published in Violence Against Women.

10. The Assassination Cases of Madan Lal Dhingra, 1909 and Udham Singh, 1940 as Social Drama, published in The British Journal of Criminology.

11. Does Policing Help or Hurt? Examining the Longitudinal Relationship Between Police Involvement and Delinquency in Norway, published in The British Journal of Criminology.

12. Can police de-escalation training reduce use of force and citizen injury without compromising officer safety?, published in Journal of Experimental Criminology.

13. “A prison is no place for a pandemic”: Canadian prisoners’ collective action in the time of COVID-19, published in Punishment & Society.

14. Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Revised Scale of Economic Abuse among Iranian Women, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

15. Physical Health Outcomes of Trauma Exposure Across the Lifespan, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

16. My Parents, My Grandparents Went Through Residential School, and All this Abuse has Come From it: Examining Intimate Partner Violence Against Canadian Indigenous Women in the Context of Colonialism, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

17. Unraveling the Links among Witnessing Interparental Conflict, Hopelessness, Psychological Dating Violence Victimization, and Adult Depressive Symptoms, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

18. Remembering Diana Scully and the Art of a Well-Asked Question, published in Violence Against Women.

As always, I hope you’ll find some research to write about yourself. I’d love to read it or watch/listen to it, so please let me know in the comments!

I might cover some of them in True Crime Adjacent (TCA) or Nonfiction Crime Writing (NCW).

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P.S. I’m on vacation this week and next, which is why there haven’t been as many of these as normal and why there won’t be any next week.