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[Early access] About my process and how I monitor research

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The following post will be available on my Medium publication True Crime Adjacent later today (June 8). 

Headline: Criminological Journals I Monitor for New Research as of June 2023
Subtitle: How I find new research to write about 

Part of my intent for True Crime Adjacent is to cover new scholarly criminology and criminal justice research that I judge to be relevant to true crime or of interest to you as a true crime follower. I’m also trying to monitor and cover new research more generally, so my process needs to take both into account.

That process has been chaotic up until now, but I’m redesigning it. I’m transitioning to the latest iteration this week.

In the latest iteration, I’ve made a list of twelve journals that I intend to monitor.

The first ten journals are the top 10 listed in Google Scholar’s Criminology, Criminal Law & Policing category (publishers included in parentheses):

  1. The British Journal of Criminology (Oxford)
  2. Justice Quarterly (Taylor & Francis)
  3. Journal of Quantitative Criminology (Springer)
  4. Journal of Criminal Justice (Elsevier)
  5. Criminology (Wiley)
  6. Crime & Delinquency (Sage)
  7. American Journal of Criminal Justice (Springer)
  8. Criminology & Public Policy (Wiley)
  9. Criminal Justice and Behavior (Sage)
  10. Sexual Abuse (Sage)

The eleventh and twelfth are more specialized journals that I think are of particular interest to True Crime Adjacent readers:

  1. Crime, Media, Culture (Sage)
  2. Homicide Studies (Sage)

Over the course of a week, I will check each journal for new research. As I find new research articles, I’ll decide whether I may want to cover them, whether for True Crime Adjacent or elsewhere. Those that I do want to cover will go into a queue. When I finish writing about one research article, I’ll pick my next from the queue.

Note for non-Patrons

I’m making this post available to non-Patrons to give you an idea of the content available to Patrons, but won’t make similar posts public in the future. Please consider becoming a member.
