New research comes out all the time. I track what’s published by a curated list of criminological and criminal justice journals to find studies to write about. Here’s what I found for the last few days. Help yourself.
New scholarly journal articles
- Ghost Criminology: A Framework for the Discipline’s Spectral Turn, published in The British Journal of Criminology. I think this is actually a joke, but I’m going to read it and find out. Update: I haven’t finished reading the study, but it’s not a joke. Fascinating. They’re using “spectrality” as a “conceptual metaphor” to explore the impact of things like colonizing practices that may have ended but are nonetheless still haunting the present. [Add to queue: Yes. Keywords: Hauntology.]
- Self-Control and Delinquency in China: Examining the Mediating Role of Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior. [Add to queue: Yes. Keywords: China, general theory of crime, self-control, delinquency.]
- El Amigo y El Esé: Stereotyping of the “Criminal Immigrant”, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Criminal immigrant narrative, stereotypes, immigration.]
- Bringing injustice back in: Secondary victimization as epistemic injustice, published in Criminology & Criminal Justice. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Secondary victimization, epistemic injustice.]
- “The biggest thing you can rob is somebody’s time”: Exploring how the carceral state bankrupts fathers through temporal debt, published in Punishment & Society. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Incarceration, familial bonds, temporal debt.]
- A New Classification of Sexual Homicide Offenders: When the Heterogeneity of Types Allows the Detection of Potential Serial Offenders, published in Homicide Studies. [Add to queue: Yes. Keywords: Sexual homicide offenders, serial offenders, classification.]
- Association Between Health-Promoting Behaviors and Reproductive Health Needs in Women Experiencing Domestic Violence, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Health-promoting behaviors, reproductive needs, domestic violence.]
- Experiences of Technology-Facilitated Abuse Among Sexual and Gender Minorities, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Technology-facilitated abuse, sexual and gender minorities, victimization.]
- Confession evidence results in more true and false guilty pleas than eyewitness evidence, published in Journal of Experimental Criminology. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Evidence, pleas, confessions, eyewitness.]
- Recent Economic Intimate Partner Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of U.S. Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Add to queue: No. Keywords: Intimate partner violence, posttraumatic stress, United States, economic IPV. Notes: As far as my “beat” goes, I’m beginning to see this type of article as out of scope. The work is vitally important, but it doesn’t fit the causes-and-solutions, or the true crime adjacent, or the nonfiction crime writing scopes, which I need to sort out.]
- Support for Democratic Policing Among Frontline Police Officers: The Role of Social Dominance Orientation, published in The British Journal of Criminology. [Add to queue: Yes. Keywords: Democratic policing, social dominance orientation.]