I track newly published research by a curated list of criminological and criminal justice journals to find studies to write about.
New scholarly journal articles
- The Hearing is Just a Formality: You’re Never Getting Out, published in Crime & Delinquency. [Add to queue. Keywords: Parole, perceptions of fairness]
- The Role of Cybersecurity Knowledge and Awareness in Cybersecurity Intention and Behavior in the United States, published in Crime & Delinquency. [Keywords: Cybersecurity]
- The fourth power. a mapping of police oversight agencies in Europe and Quebec, published in Policing and Society. [Add to queue. Keywords: Police, police oversight, Europe, Quebec, “fourth power”]
- In the shadows of protection: Brazilian police in private security, published in Policing and Society. [Keywords: Brazil, security, police.]
- The submerged prison state: Punishment, private interests, and the politics of public accountability, published in Punishment & Society. [Add to queue. Keywords: Punishment, prison, democratic]
- Prevalence and Predictors of Intimate Partner Violence Among Youth With Foster Care Histories, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Keywords: Intimate partner violence, predictors, foster care]