As always, if any studies interest you, feel free to cover them yourself. (Please drop a link in the comments if you do!)
New scholarly journal articles
1. Development of an Evidence-based Violence Rehabilitation Program for Offenders With Intellectual Disability, published in International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. [Queue: No queue. Keywords: Evidence-based rehabilitation, violence, offenders with intellectual disability.]
2. Disciplinary discretion, interaction and compassion: Transports between prisons from the perspective of the transporters, published in Criminology & Criminal Justice. [Queue: No queue. Keywords: Prisoner transports, correctional officers, disciplinary discretion, interaction, compassion.]
3. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between policing and collective efficacy, published in Journal of Experimental Criminology. [Queue: True Crime Adjacent. Keywords: Policing, collective efficacy, police trustworthiness.]
4. Is a change in social competencies associated with a change in drug use and crime in substance-abusing offenders? Evidence from the breaking the cycle demonstration project, published in Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. [Queue: No queue. Keywords: Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project, drug use, offending, social competencies.]
5. Understanding the link between alcohol dependence and victimisation risk: Is risk explained by peers or alcohol behaviours?, published in Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. [Queue: Undecided. Keywords: Pathways to Desistance, alcohol dependence, victimization, peers, behaviour.]
6. Restrictive Housing Placement and Length of Stay: A Latent Class Analysis With Mixed Distributions, published in Criminal Justice Policy Review. [Queue: No queue. Keywords: Incarceration, restrictive housing, New Jersey.]
7. Examining Cases of Child Physical Abuse Evaluations to Identify Opportunities to Improve Intimate Partner Violence Screening in Pediatric Emergency Departments, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Queue: No queue. Keywords: Child physical abuse evaluations, intimate partner violence, screening, pediatric emergency departments.]
8. Sex Trafficking in New York City and Vulnerabilities to Re-Trafficking, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence. [Queue: True Crime Adjacent. Keywords: Human trafficking, sex trafficking, coercion, exploitation, re-trafficking, New York City, EMPOWER Center.]
9. But Someone Was Right There: An Examination of How Third-Party Presence Is Associated With Rape and Sexual Assault Victim Help-Seeking Behavior and Reports to Police, published in Violence Against Women. [Queue: True Crime Adjacent. Keywords: Rape and sexual assault, help-seeking, reporting to police, third-party presence.]
10. Bystander Intervention for the Prevention of Campus Sexual Violence: Opportunity, Frequency of Action, and Consequences for Confronting Those at Risk of Perpetration, published in Violence Against Women. [Queue: Undecided. Keywords: Campus sexual violence, bystander intervention.]