1. Policing The Drinking Community: An Exploration of Community Alcohol Norms and Driving Under the Influence Enforcement (1985-2014), published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.
2. Psychopathic Personality as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Atypical Sexuality and Sexual Coercion Proclivity in the General Population, published in Sexual Abuse.
3. Does Weisburd’s law of crime concentration apply to traffic crashes? Implications for policing and traffic law enforcement, published in Policing.
4. When Checking a Box is not Enough: The (Un)Readability of PREA Messaging, published in The Prison Journal.
5. 365 Days > 366 Days: The (in)Ability to Earn Good Time Credit During the Time of COVID-19, published in The Prison Journal.
6. Shared Risk Factors Among Women for Intimate Partner Violence in the United States: A Secondary Analysis, published in Violence Against Women.
I will also share five of these articles in Your First Five.
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