I’m a proponent of working in the open, so I’m trying out a new morning routine where I check in with “the Internet” before getting started on writing for the day. Do I think anyone but me cares about this? No, but doing it anyway might be good for me.
It’s 10:28 a.m. I’ve taken the kids to school (which consists of preparing their lunches; chasing them through breakfast, getting dressed, and getting ready to go out the door; and walking them to school), fed the animals (two dogs, two cats), cleaned up a mess from one of the animals (don’t ask), and put a load of laundry in (hopefully the first of a few). Construction of some sort crunches away in the street outside. I have an appointment in an hour and a half.
My plan is to do 15 minutes of writing practice, finish reading the Skogan study, write up the weekly newsletter, and do some sort of work on the book.
Reality will inevitably vary from that plan.