1. Envisioning Social Justice With Criminalized Young Adults, published in The British Journal of Criminology.
2. Court Delays and Criminal Recidivism: Results from Danish Administrative Data and a Policy Reform, published in Justice Quarterly.
3. Individual and environmental contributors to psychological distress during imprisonment, published in European Journal of Criminology.
4. Anti-Transgender Ideology, Laws, and Homicide: An Analysis of the Trifecta of Violence, published in Homicide Studies.
5. Role of Alexithymia in the Association Between Childhood Abuse and Risk Perception for Sexual Victimization in College Women, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
6. Common Mechanisms Underlying the Effect of Angry Rumination on Reactive and Proactive Aggression: A Moderated Mediation Model, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
7. Changes in Psychiatric Symptoms in Swedish Mothers Who Took Part in Project Support: An Intervention for Mothers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence With Children Who Have Developed Conduct Problems, published in Violence Against Women.
8. Exploring the Experiences of Sexual Violence/Abuse Survivors Attending a Recovery Group: A Qualitative Study of Recovery and Evaluation Implications, published in Violence Against Women.
9. Examining the Content Validity of the Measure of Psychologically Abusive Behaviors: A Qualitative Approach, published in Violence Against Women.
I will also share five of these articles in Your First Five, a Medium column that runs Monday through Friday, excluding Canadian holidays.
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