1. Qualitative Analysis of Bystander Intervention Among Young Adult Male Soldiers Who Engage in At-Risk Drinking, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
2. Taking it to the Next Level: Multilevel Modeling and the Effect of School-Level Differences in Moral Neutralization on Individual-Level Delinquency Growth in Early Adolescence, published in Crime & Delinquency.
3. Understanding Abuse, Mental Health, and Substance Use: The Role of Victimization in a Jail Population, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.
4. Victim Recovery in Restorative Justice: A Theoretical Framework, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
5. Relatives’ Understanding of Perpetrators of Elder Family Financial Exploitation: A Bioecological Approach to Understanding Risk Factors, published in Victims & Offenders.
I will also share these articles in Your First Five.
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