1. Are Schools in Prison Worth It? The Effects and Economic Returns of Prison Education, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.
2. Changes in Risk Profiles: Latent Transition Analysis of Youth on Probation, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
3. The Imposition of Pretrial Conditions on Released Federal Defendants: The Overuse of Conditions Without Providing Any Measurable Benefits, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
4. Connecting Supervisor Procedural Justice to Perceived Tensions With Litigants Among Chinese Judges, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
5. Procedural Justice, Perceived Legitimacy, and Reoffending Behavior: In Police and Court Setting, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
6. Self-Legitimacy of Prison Workers and Treatment of Correctional Clients: A Study in Slovenian Prisons, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
7. “That’s Not Rehabilitation, That’s Enabling”: Correctional Officer Perspectives on the Prison Needle Exchange Program, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
8. Psychopathology and history of mental healthcare among male detainees transferred to a facility for managing otherwise uncontrollable in-prison violence: An exploratory study, published in Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health.
9. Help-Seeking Barriers for Latinx Victims of Intimate Partner Homicide: Insight From Survivors, Advocates, and Community Practitioners, published in Homicide Studies.
10. Assessing Survey Items on Social Norms Relating to Dating and Relationship Violence and to Gender: Cognitive Interviews with Young People in England, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
11. A National Study on Psychological Violence in Brazil: Differences by Sex and Skin Color, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
12. Digital Dating Abuse: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
13. Conducting Virtual Interviews With Sexual Assault Survivors and Their Informal Supports During COVID-19 and Beyond, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
14. Alcohol Use, Rape Myth Acceptance, Rape Empathy, and Sexual Assault History Influence the Believability of a Hypothetical Victim’s Report of Sexual Assault, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
15. Safety and Academic Outcomes of College Campus-Based Advocacy Services, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
16. Delinquency, unstructured socializing, and social change: The rise and fall of a teen culture of independence, published in Criminology.
17. Streetwork at the crossroads: An evaluation of a street gang outreach intervention and holistic appraisal of the research evidence, published in Criminology.
I will also share five of these articles in Your First Five.
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