I’m still deciding which of the following new studies to cover in True Crime Adjacent (TCA) or Nonfiction Crime Writing (NCW).
1. Salvation Scripts: How Religion Matters for Women’s Desistance Narratives, published in Justice Quarterly.
2. What About the kids? A Multimethod Approach to Understanding Law Enforcement Policies Pertaining to the Arrest of Children in Florida, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.
3. Day Reporting Centers and Recidivism: The Role of Social Support, published in Criminal Justice and Behavior.
4. Greenspace in prison improves well-being irrespective of prison/er characteristics, with particularly beneficial effects for younger and unsentenced prisoners, and in overcrowded prisons, published in European Journal of Criminology.
5. Partnership policing and the dynamics of administrative growth, published in Policing and Society.
6. Mental Health Conditions, Substance Use Disorders, and Jail Readmission in Four Rural Counties, published in International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
7. What can the development of video visitation in Australian correctional centres tell us about organisational transformation?, published in Current Issues in Criminal Justice.
8. External Minority Stress, Gender Dysphoria, and Capability for Suicide Among Transgender Adults: A Daily Diary Study, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
9. Factors Associated With Domestic Violence Against Women at Different Stages of Life: Findings From a 19-Year Longitudinal Dataset From the MINIMat Trial in Rural Bangladesh (2001–2020), published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
10. Sexual Violence-Related Stigma, Mental Health, and Treatment-Seeking: A Multimodal Assessment in a Population-Based Study of Young Adults, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
11. Predicting Prison Misconduct With the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles: A Meta-Analysis, published in The Prison Journal.
12. Exploring Human Traffickers’ Means of Control: What Does Citizenship Got to Do with It?, published in Victims & Offenders.
13. Understanding Concentrations of Sexual Violence and Abuse: A New Theory, published in Violence Against Women.
14. Technology-Facilitated Abuse in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Study of Women Survivors in Taiwan, published in Violence Against Women.
15. Reproductive Coercion Among College Students: An Extension and Test of Routine Activity Theory, published in Violence Against Women.
As always, I hope you’ll find some research to write about yourself. I’d love to read it or watch/listen to it, so please let me know in the comments!