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14 new crime research studies for September 11

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man in orange crew neck shirt
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash.

1. The End of the Age-Crime Curve? A Historical Comparison of Male Arrest Rates in the United States, 1985–2019, published in The British Journal of Criminology.

2. How Priority Ordering of Offence Codes Undercounts Gendered Violence: An Analysis of the Crime Survey for England and Wales, published in The British Journal of Criminology.

3. Buyer Beware, or Buyer Unaware? Examining the Correlates of Consumer Fraud Victimization Acknowledgment in the United States, published in Crime & Delinquency.

4. Perceived Rehabilitation Across Types of Justice-Involved Individuals: An Experiment, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.

5. Examining Law Enforcement Agencies’ Responses to the Addition of Animal Cruelty to NIBRS, published in American Journal of Criminal Justice.

6. Moral sight and ethical praxis in the prison classroom, published in Criminology & Criminal Justice.

7. Would you let this guy into a bar? Identifying cues that signal a perceived increase in the propensity for violence of potential bar patrons, published in Journal of Experimental Criminology.

8. Technology in the courtroom: challenges with presenting children’s evidence, published in Current Issues in Criminal Justice.

9. White Violence, Black Victims: The Impact of Political and Economic Competition on Interracial Killings in 21st Century America, published in Homicide Studies.

10. Relationship Between Violence Against Women, Social Support, Self-Esteem, and Mental Health in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

11. Past 6-Month Prevalence of IPV Victimization among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Undergraduate Students: A Brief Report, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

12. The Association between the Percentage of Female Law Enforcement Officers and Rape Report, Clearance, and Arrest Rates: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of California, published in Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

13. Offending Patterns in Cases of Sexual Violence Committed by Multiple Perpetrators, published in Victims & Offenders.

14. The Impacts of Conservatism, Social Dominance, and Rape Myth Acceptance on Blame Attribution in Ambiguous Rape Scenarios, published in Violence Against Women.

I will share up to five of these articles in Your First Five, a Medium column that runs Monday through Friday, excluding Canadian holidays.

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